Greater Poland Wikipedia
sabunia portal
Maybe I shall take some pressure from Raleen (but just a little bit!)
About historical background of Battle of Kircholm You can read at:
(I'm lazy lad, You know )
Game shows one of the greatest Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth victories in XVII century. It is one of the best strategic games created in Poland - rules of XVII warfare are very good, so You can enjoy playing both Polish/Lithuanians or Swedish forces.
Sweden army is composed from infantry and (rather shooty) cavalry, they also have some artillery.
Polish/Lithuanian army is heavily based on different types of cavalry - Husaria (Hussars or 'Winged Lancers'), Pancerni (Iron'Clads), Light Cavalry (some Tartars and Volunteers) and some shooty cavalry (Arkebusers and as far as I remember some Raitars). Army have also few units of infantry and one(?) unit of artillery.
During the game You can see how fair different types of those units and their fightning style are shown - Husaria and Pancerni are great 'shock troops', that can expand frontage of their counter, allowing them to attack more units at once. Infantry can fight in shooting or hand to hand (pike) formation. Counters of different historical commander helps to rally troops (I can't remember their other rules (
That's of course just few words (sorry for any mistakes in my English) about game, I hope that Raleen will soon write some more.
Witam !
Chciałbym się dowiedzieć jakie są wasze odczucia nt. tego święta ? Czy jest ono według was potrzebne ? Czy imprezy okolicznościowe są wystarczająco huczne ? Czy powinien być to dzień wolny od pracy ?
Poza tym jak w waszej okolicy sytuacja z wywieszeniem flag czy sporo ich etc ?
Znalazłem coś takiego na angielskiej Wikipedii :
According to polls, about one out of three Poles say they own a Polish flag, and about one out of four fly it on national holidays. Such public display of patriotism is much more common in western Poland, especially in Greater Poland, than in other parts of the country
Coś w tym jest (ostatnie zdanie) wczoraj wróciłem z Wrocławia do Pcina Dolnego i faktycznie u nas w Wielkopolsce jest więcej flag polskich (bo w flagach unijnych przegrywamy sromotnie i nie wstyd mi za to )niż na przeciętnej ulicy we Wrocławiu gdzie większość domów to wolno stojące albo szeregówka. Może podejrzewacie co jest przyczyną takiego stanu ?
Ćau. :)
jak patrzysz na 20-stopową ścianę wody to widzisz 20-stopową ścianę wody, a nie biały szkwał.
bajdełej - niedługo zaczną się opowieści o 6-metrowych mazurskich falach :D:D
acha, zdanie z wikipedii:
White squalls are rare at sea, but common on the Great Lakes of North America.
powinno brzmieć:
White squalls are rare at sea, but common on the Great Lakes of North America and Mazury, Poland.
..a tak wikipedia...
Żydokomuna (Polish neologism for "Jewish communism") was an antisemitic term used to express the opinion that the Communism in Poland was supported by Jews to a much greater extent than by the Gentile Polish population. Any Communist group which was considered dominated by Jews counted as "Żydokomuna". The term is similar to the "Judeo-bolshevism" rhetoric of Nazi Germany.
Witaj. Średnio podoba mi się ten tekst, a oceniam go oczywiście tylko pod kątem poprawności i spójności zdań. Niżej napisana przeze mnie wersja będzie zawierała bardzo zbliżone informacje, wyrażone jednak w troche innej kolejności i formie.
Wieliczka is by far the most interesting place to visit. I live there. It is a small and quiet town, which is 15km southwest of Krakow in Małopolska.Wieliczka is inhabited by about 20 thousand people. This town is well-known for salt mine, which is considered the first wonder of Poland.Wieliczka was inscribed in the UNESCO List of Cultural and Natural Heritage. Salt mine is visited by about milion tourist every year, so you can't leave this town without being there. I also recommend you to see museum of Krakow Salt Mines and st.Clemens church. I think that historical Krakow is worth visiting, too. In my town is few small food shops and a swimming pool. Wieliczka isn't very entertainment place for example becaus you can't find there lots of cinemas and theaters. However, as long as I am walking along John Paul II alleys or through Adam Mickiewicz Park, I'm sure that Wieliczka is still a great place to visit. So if you have't done it yet, you should do it as quickly as possible!
-W tekście znalazłem kilka błędów rzeczowych i niedopowiedzeń, więc należy jeszcze raz przestudiować dane (moim źródłem była Wikipedia).
-W kilku wypadkach były użyte słowa, które całkowicie nie pasowały do kontekstu, użyłem więc innych. Warto więc spradzić je ze słownikiem (np. z tym, który jest na tej stronie), czy na pewno dobrze zgadłem kontekst.
-Koniec jest bez sensu. Cała masa sprzeczności i całkowity brak logiczności. Skróciłem go więc bardzo, jeśli jednak chcesz by był dłuższy wymyśl lepsze zdania.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłem
Hi Emma,
Firstly I want to say that I am great fan of you. I saw all your films and you played really good in all of them. I am also waiting impatiently for your next film- Ballet Shoes.
But this is not real reason that I am writing to you. The real reason are your new photos. You look incredibly on them. How are you doing that. You know. In UK after all you eat only this hot- dogs, hamburgers and drink cola, but you are so slim and fit (My friend Limonka says that you have fat legs, however I do not agree with her).
I think you maybe like gooseberries and that is way you keep shape, cause I read on Wikipedia that they have profitable influence on metabolism, they have laxative effect, and they are the indispensable component of slimming diets.
Of course your diet is not only thing that I want to ask. On that photos I saw also that you have very clean skin. No pimples or spots. I have a lot of them on my face. I tried anything, but they do not want do disappear . Maybe you apply bath in decoction of blackberries leafs and herbs. I know from Wikipedia that it cleans skin from spot and pimples, but I do not want use it before I will be sure that this is effective. So if you apply that bath I will be appreciate if you say my how it works.
This probably all. Please, answer on my letter. It is very important to me. I look forward to hearing from you soon. From Poland with love,
Mariola Krzak.
You have greeting from my friends: Asiuli, Nudy, Śmierciojadka i Slayerki.
PS. 2
My friend Potter_H wants me to ask you if you will be dating with him. I know that this is absurdity, but he is my friend, so I ask you about that.
PS. 3
If you will have some free time you can visit our Harry Potter page and forum- . I know that this is in polish, but this days so much polish people are in UK that you for sure find someone who translate you our site.
Pamięta to ktoś jeszcze? :P
Tutaj cały wątek:
A sami byli dla siebie większym ciężarem niż ciemność. Mdr 17,20
A sami byli dla siebie większym ciężarem niż ciemność. Mdr 17,20_2