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Well David and I gave it a 2 fins down.... they didn't give detail on white sharks and they missed a wonderful opportunity to explain how and why sharks are exploited and what we can do about it. In theory I thought the shark sub was a cool idea, but in practice - it stunk. Or should I say sunk? Where was their safety protocol? Why didn't they test and re-test communications? It made me wonder whether the whole thing was staged - but it certainly wasn't scripted. The commentary was beyond silly. Oh well...I guess it's up to the rest of us to show the world how what amazing and magnificent creatures sharks are - and how important they are to the ocean, the planet, and to humans. We need them in the food web.
At least they spent a few seconds showing that white sharks aren't monsters - but they should have spent a lot more time on that rather than that silly sub. Poor Jacques must be rolling over in his grave...
If you watched it, tell us what you thought...
A sami byli dla siebie większym ciężarem niż ciemność. Mdr 17,20
A sami byli dla siebie większym ciężarem niż ciemność. Mdr 17,20_2